About Us
Stamp collecting is not just about collecting small pieces of paper stuck to envelopes. It’s learning about the lives of the people who stuck those small pieces of paper on their correspondence.

My Postal History
I am a stamp collector - a philatelist - who has collected stamps for many years. Recently, I’ve gotten hooked on researching old covers, and if I’m lucky, their contents. I enjoy seeing what I can learn about the senders and the recipients and any other information that might be on the items. I hope you enjoy reading the results of my research. I’ve uploaded high-quality scans of the items, and I welcome any additions or corrections to my work.
Michael L. Wilson
Member: American Philatelic Society, US Stamp Society, US Philatelic Classics Society, American Air Mail Society, Greater Philadelphia Stamp & Collectors Club (GPSCC), Collectors Club of New York, Philatelic Society of Lancaster County, American First Day Cover Society, and American Topical Association.
Editor of the GPSCC website and monthly newsletter.